Friday, January 4, 2008

Tubby Time! First picture (s) of 2008

Howdy everyone! Well here it is finally! Our first pictures of 2008 and much to everyone's disbelief it took me almost 4 days to take a picture. I think that is the longest time ever that the camera has been "shelved"! LOL! These pictures are very obviously tubby time; the one picture is Rob (daddy) trying to find the right ship parts for TJ...

So...for 2008; no resolutions here; just living. I could say that in 2008 I will be healthier but hell how hard could that really be since I was pregnant eating for most of 2007! LOL! What I want out of 2008 is a happy healthy family. That's it. I want to be nicer to my husband and children (sorry everyone else you get the same ole me)! LOL! I want to remember the important things; that the floor won't always be mopped, the carpet may not be vacumed, the dishes may pile up but who cares, my children will be happy, payed attention to, my nerves will not be strung because I can not get everything done and there will always be smiles (well we'll aim for it not making any promises)! I want to savor this year with my babies as they are growing everyday by leaps and bonds. There will be no more mini me's coming so I want to remember and soak in all I can with the ones I have. Does it bother me that the dishes won't always be done; that the floors won't always be clean..yes, yes it does, I won't lie but that is what needs to be and shall be pushed to the back burners (the dirty ones) not my children, not my husband.

So to everyone I saw Happy New Year. May you put the truely important things first, not a clean oven...we wish you the best!


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