Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jack is 8 Months Old

Instead of my usual picture marking another month older I decided to try out a video! Some of you may not be able to view it depending on your computer software but thought I would give it a shot! Jack turned 8 months old on Saturday the 22nd. He crawls everywhere, eats pretty much all table food, loves to babble and is trying to walk! He is weighing in at roughly 21 pounds! Still no teeth but I think anytime now!
Hope everyone is well!
Love Us!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Walking, Worms & Sippy Cups...

Well I know it's going to happen; my last baby is going to grow up, but does he have to do it so darn quick?! Jack has been interested in and using his sippy cup for water for awhile now but last night he was making some serious attacks at trying to get to TJ's sippy cup so I gave it to him (it was empty) he would suck then take it away and look at it; then suck again then take it away and look at it; finally after like 3 times he looked at it with his little eyebrow frown so after we all had a good laugh I gave him some water and he just loves the sippy cup! am going to get a supply of sippy cups this weekend. He doesn't need the ones with handles he likes any of them so I am going to start using those more and more! I can't wait! Bye Bye Bottles! Then to top that off last night he was playing with one of TJ's toy's. I look over because I notice movement and Jack is pushing the toy then WALKING behind it but because it is low to the ground he is bent over at the waist so I of course scream o my god he is walking so I quick grab his walking/push toy thing and sure enough he pushes it a couple times and walks behind it! Then plop on his butt so I didn't get a chance to get it on any type of film but can I just say I was so excited! He is going even earlier than TJ! I think it will be anytime now that he is totally just walking around! He is not even 8 months old yet! Why is he trying to grow up on me so quick! He is the super bestest baby in the world! So happy and laid back! TJ was a great baby and I thought this is going to be the "bad" one because you don't get good babies all the time well move over who ever said that because I got a good 1st baby and a super duper 2nd baby! Another reason I am saying my blessings and stopping ahead of the game! LOL! NO MORE BABIES HERE!

Now having two boys I have tried to prepare myself for the world of stinky, sweaty socks, smelly bodies and funky smelling hair even after just having a bath (it must be something in the boys that make their hair smell blah after playing outside; you know kinda like a wet dog! LOL! It's a boy smell)..sports, cuts, bruises, trips to the ER (twice here already for stitches and glueing) but BUGS - YUCK! I just can not, will not, refuse to handle BUGS. TJ LOVES BUGS, he loves worms, all of that stuff. I hate touching them; any of them! He picks up catapillers, worms, SLUGS! I have lost several pieces of tupperware to home slugs and worms! I slept with worms on my nightstand last night! My mom got him the bug house thing that comes with a vacume for christmas and I have already replaced the batteries in the bug vacume and the bug house is now home to a spider and a criquet (sp) the size of my thumb! GROSS! I am telling you if you have not had boys or are just starting with boys brace yourself! They are born with dirt under their fingernails and a need to dig! The pictures say enough.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Quick Updates:

WEIGHT LOSS - Well in the month of Feb I lost 8 more pounds so that is 20 total; still have a ways to go to my personal goal but am FINALLY on the right track.. I am getting my hair done today so I will take an updated picture instead of that god awful one of me that TJ took that I use as my profile shot!

NEW CAMERA - WOO HOO my new camera came yesterday and I love it...I took a couple pictures of Jack this am just messing around and I will post one or two; they came out really cute; because he is soooo cute! :-)

JACK - Jack is officially all over the place; yesterday he crawled from the living room to the toy room so we are going to put the gate up at the bottom of the stairs and we have to make sure that the basement door is closed now all the time! Let the games begin! It's the first time he crawled out of the living room us ually he just moves around in there! He hates being in anything like the exersaucer etc so I can get rid of all of that big gear..
THOMAS - Things are fine there...same ole same ole! Ready for some nice days for outside play.

The boys had their pictures taken Sat. Jack did great; TJ as usual did ok; he just hates to have his picture taken. I will try and scan some of those to post.

I will also have tons of pictures on Monday because we have a birthday party tomorrow and Spiderman and Batman are supposed to make an appearance...I had lots to say but now I forgot most of it!