Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thanks for the shirt Popeye!

Thank you Popeye for my new shirt! Mommy tried to make me look cool but we ended up with the comb over anyway! Love you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weekend of not much but a lot...

We had alot to do this weekend and I think I got most of it done; it all flew by so fast that I don't even remember really what I did....I know the weather was nice on Saturday so we spent lots of outside time, Sunday was inside time and thank you MeMe for taking care of Jack so that I could get some rest and only deal with TJ....I wasn't feeling well and MeMe came through for me! I hope one day I can return the favors she has done for me ten fold! We love you MeMe and of Course G Dada too for he is the great entainer and trouble maker for they boys! :-) No pictures this weekend..please don't faint....I did get a free upgrade on my phone and I LOVE IT! It's called the Samsung Juke and it is so super cute! It holds 1000 songs so I can use it like an ipod and it is a camera phone and super small and compact..I must say its my first upgraded gizmo and I love it! I love not having to buy a seperate ipod or whatever and being able to have my phone when I go for my runs..yes I am back to running; right now I am only at about 2.5 miles in 30 minutes but it's a start....and I love it like always....anyway...I love my new phone, camera, ipod thing....also the same ear phones I use to listen to my music turn into a wireless headset for when I want to talk and drive! And no it was not as much as I and I am sure you think it was! My totally bill for transferring rob's account to a new phone due to water damage of his old phone, connecting my phone and transferring all of my contacts...100 bucks...the cost of an apple shuffle..
TJ; the name of the shoes are sketchers...we caught the commercial last night and guess who needs new sneakers anyway so sketchers it will be because as he mentioned yet again; I will never have to tie my shoes again..I hope he realizes that he WILL have to learn to tie at some point in his life! LOL!
Jack; not quite walking but taking the risk of moving from the ottom to the chair or couch with out holding on and as of yesterday can climb the stairs..up goes the baby gate!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Whoever says commercials don't influence kids;

lives in a hole! Or if people say they (meaning kids) aren't paying attention when you talk; guess again!

Last night I am piddling around TJ's room, putting laundry away etc and I hear (I forget what he called the actual shoe so for story telling purposes we'll call them airwalks) so...I hear airwalks mom, what are those, airwalks, I want those, and I said what and he continues the shoes, the commercial said never have to tie your shoes again..those I want those! I just laughed and said well I wasn't paying attention so if it comes on again just let me know to never did but I can't wait to see what grabbed his interest so forward to snack time - he is having a bowl of applejacks and I say okay are you done and he says no you didn't know I am drinking the milk because I am a pig...I actually snorted I laughed so hard...I always tell him your mommy's little piggy because of the amount of food he can intake at any one given time! He listens! LOL!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Pets

Well we went from one dog to 3 and now TJ has added a gecko to the list....Dixie came first then I had to have another dog and we got Harley or as we call him Dumb Dumb and Princess is our Foster but we love her dearly with her one eye, no teeth and gimpy ass leg! LOL! Now TJ has a gecko that he calls gecko; he refuses to give it a real name....not sure why but it's his and I could really care less what he calls it! :-) He loves this little sucker!

The gecko is a slow mover; another reason for this choice he can not really get away nor does he choose too; he really likes to just hang in his rock house..........He has a heating blanket that attaches to the underside of the tank and warms the sand etc and he has his rocks and logs to hide out in and we mist the thing to keep it humid and have the gauges to watch the humidity levels....He can only have it on the floor in his room with the door closed; so far I don't even think the dogs have noticed; all three of them are in their own worlds!
It ests live crickets but thankfully my mom got him the bug gun and habitat for christmas so we keep the crickets in the habitat and suck them up with the gun and dump them in to the cage for feeding time...we bought 20 crickets...
Soon in the mail we should be getting his catapillers for him to grow his own butterflies; he got the butterfly kit for easter; my mom calls him steve irwin! LOL!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

John Deere Boy

As some of you may know; TJ is a HUGE John Deere fan...we just redid his room as a John Deere room, we just need paint so I'll take some pictures of it when it's totally done. Anyway yesterday TJ BEGGED to go to the John Deere store that is out by our fairgrounds so we said okay; it was chilly and kinda ucky but the guy started one up and TJ said on the "olden" days one, the guy proceeds to tell us about an open house at his other store in the country this Saturday...guess were we'll be; if the weather holds out...tractor rides galore!

The picture of Jack is just his signature tongue thing he does ALL the time!


I am sure I had all these super cute witty things to write; stories to tell but the time has escaped me. Things are well and the boys are doing great. I promise to be better about updating. I go for my next official weigh in on Friday so we'll see; last month it was 25 pounds down and I have started running again so hopefully that will keep things flowing in the right direction - DOWN!

Mickey - Gentle Giant

It was a super sad day on Tuesday April 1st; this is no joke; Mickey; Tom and Sandi's dog passed away peacefully into doggy heaven. Mickey was 12 years old. He has lots of people to watch over and love him in heaven so we know he will be just fine and well fed! :-)

Catch up posts; short and sweet

Easter: It was super! TJ really got into it and Jack drooled! LOL! Here are a couple pictures...we did the usual lunch with Rob's family then onto my mom's for a visit and super if was great and fun as always!