Monday, June 30, 2008

Talk about Jam Packed - fun filled weekends - HELLO THERE!

We had a SUPER DUPER WEEKEND! Of course we had our meltdowns and our whiney moments and I had an extra kid (or 2) about the entire weekend (I have been deemed the soccer mom which I guess tranlates into dump your kids on me please but TJ loves having them around so I have a hard time saying no; plus when I know they don't get the attention at home then I have no problem letting them "live" with me on the weekends and have the fun children should have; note mini vent over) was so fun! We of course hit up the waterpark on Saturday from 11-4; Jack stayed the entire time; I put him in the stroller to leave and he was alseep before we even hit the exit! Seana (one of the extra kids) took some shots of Matt (extra kid #2) and TJ coming down one of the two slides in "baby land" and I took the picture of Seana and Jack coming down the whale....then Jack slept until 7 when I finally woke him because the ladies and kids were heading to Sakura Japanese Steak House...we all had a great time...the boys loved the "show"; I wasn't crazy about the food but it was a fun time and we all shared like 3 plates and still had food to bring home to daddy...and husbands etc....then on Sunday my little dare devil went one step further when we went by Uncle Henry's and he was outside playing with the neighbor; when I looked out the window I was shocked to see him DRIVING a real 4 wheeler; no battery required! He has already told Uncle Henry what he wants for Christmas! LOL! Then yesterady evening we had a BBQ w/the neighbors and momma had a couple of frozen mudslides; YUMMO! and just in time I was done being a mother to 5 and needed a break! Of course in between all that we hit the grocery; did laundry and some yard work...the non stop craziness (code word for FUN) never ends! Pictures of our super duper weekend included for your viewing pleasure..can't wait to see what the fourth holds! O yeah TJ and Matt also did SPARKLERS last night.. :-)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Jack is 11 months old

Well this an odd post but we missed Jack's 9 month and so we scheduled it for yesterday but he isn't a year yet so we had an 11 month check up; Jack was 11 months old on Sunday...he weighed in at a whopping 22.5 pounds...I am not sure what TJ weighed at about a year...he wears size 9 - 12 or just 12 months...12 - 18 are too big on him...the doc says an average 1 year old weighs 20 - 23 pounds so he is a little chunky! LOL! He took two steps for the doc so he said anytime now he should be up and full on running...he said we could actually use 1% milk....but we'll just go to 2% not sure how TJ would like 1%....everything else is thumbs up...he got one shot in the thigh and then we go back at the end of July after he turns 1 and he'll get another shot then he'll be caught up to his 1 year status for shots....then we go back at 15 months for his next round of shots/well baby....I'll have "action" shots from the waterpark this weekend! O the doc said I don't want to have to be the one to tell you that your baby isn't exactly slender and I just laughed and TJ said we call him chubby or trouble; my mommy says it's not nice to call him fatty....the doc was like that's right and laughed...he at one point on his own started calling Jack sweet cheeks then he renamed him trouble so now we call him trouble! LOL! After the shot and Jack started screaming TJ said why she do that; she's mean! LOL! I told him the nurse had to give him his shots....all in all a good "well baby" visit...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I so do not want to do my DAU courses: so I stole this from AMY as well...

Do you hate when people smoke around you? Yes - it makes my hair stink and throat burn
Who was the last girl you talked to? co worker
Who was the last guy you talked to? Henry - brother
Who was the last person you talked to in person? co worker
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Jack has his well baby check up; that's the only set plans
Recently done anything you regret? nope
How do you handle stress? screaming/crying
Is there anyone holding a grudge against you? Not that I know of
Who was the last person to call you? Henry - brother
Who will you be with this Saturday night? the boys and rob
Do you miss anyone? I miss plenty of people!
How many speeding tickets have you had? 1 or 2 maybe 3 at the most
What's a fact about the last person who you called? he is very helpful
When did you last cry? Not sure
Do you plan on moving next year? Hell no, wish we could - know anyone that wants to buy a house???
Are you in a Relationship with the last person you kissed? Yes
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? No one
Name something that made you smile today? talking to jack on the phone
Can you name a lyric from the song you are listening to? not listening to music
Whats the closest thing to you thats liquid? water
Something you want to know? why did gas prices sky rocket basically out of nowhere; when will they go back to normal; why is president bush such a freak of nature
Strawberry Milkshake or a Banana Pancakes? strawberry milkshake
What was the last movie you saw in theaters and with who? Have no clue..maybe shrek 3 with TJ
Burger King or Wendy's? Wendy's
What time is it? 12:48 pm
Where are you right now? Work
What are you doing right now? This!
Where is your best friend right now? They are all at work
Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris? Paris
Are you listening to music right now? no
Do you want kids? I already have 2
Who else is in the room with you? A Col and my co worker
In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? Hoodies
What do you want right now? my throat to stop hurting
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Yes!
How long can you go without your mobile phone? all day/night - I really do not care and HATE talking on the phone
Where did you last sleep other than your house? children's hospital....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stole this from Amy's blog - because I am BORED

What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago...I was 20 and just hanging out; partying; being young and carefree!

What are five things on your list to do today?
1. Do my "real" work
2. Go by the grocery
3. Eyebrows and toes need done
4. Play with the boys
5. Pay Bills

What snacks do you enjoy?
Not a huge snacker but I eat organic granola, or exciting I know...

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would either redo my entire house or just pay the house off and house a family in need and then buy my dream home.

What are three of your bad habits?
1. biting my nails
2. judging people
3. Not thinking sometimes before I speak

What are five places you’ve lived?
1. My parents house
2. Rob and I's apartment
3. Condo w/Joanne
4. LA
5. PA

What are five jobs you’ve had?
1. Hostess w.the mostess
2. fast food worker (Morrison's Fresh Cooking)
3. Waitress
4. Billing Specialist at a law firm
5. Executive Assistant

How did you name your blog?
Two handsome boys...well da for my two handsome boys! LOL!

4:00 new wake up time

So what were you doing at 4:00 am today? Me I was doing Winsor Pilates Ab Sculpt - I wanted the TUMMY TUCK version but I can't afford that version - YET - ! LOL! I have decided to start waking up at o dark 30 to work out...I don't have time during the day or at the end of the day and they say working out first thing "charges" or "fuels" your body...I did feel good after doing it...we'll see! Breakfast was even more exciting; green grapes and reduced fat wheat thins - o yum! LOL! Tomorrow my plan is a cadio dvd by the biggest loser trainer jillian...they are hard but I gotta do it..I was so stiff etc when I started the work out I could hardly touch my felt good to just get some stretches in and like I said I really did feel energized....and I even made it to work on time!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Another summer weekend - another waterpark weekend

As usual we spent the weekend at the waterpark. Only this weekend it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday! I am about done with the waterpark! Over the weekend Uncle Henry turned 33 - GOOOO HENRY! Happy birthday you old fart! LOL! The pictures are from all three days...Tyler is wearing the goggles on his head; TJ nicknamed him Mohawk (I think it's obvious why)that was on Friday - the two older girls are Faith and Kayla; their mom is Krissy who I have known for EVER; TJ just fell in love with Faith and was asking for her on Sunday, the little boy in the blue and orange trunks is TJ's friend from next door Matty who spent two whole days and nights with us (Steph I do not MISS not having three kids - you go girl! LOL!) and the other two kids are my friends Kacey's kids Kate and Ashton....And of course Jack and TJ! I always get break time (snack time) shots; I swear next time I'll get some action shots.....

Jack says Bye and blows you a kiss! :-)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TJ Learns Something New Everyday

and sometimes I don't like what it is he is learning! TJ did show me something he learned at Mary's yesterday (his babsitter)! He was sitting on the pot and he said momma come here so I think okay he's done so I go in and I am in the midst of saying are you done and he has his middle finger straight up in the air asking does this mean a bad word and I am like what the hell! I seriously didn't even know how to respond..he kept repeating does this mean a bad word so I asked him who showed him that and he said Kesten and he says it means a bad word…that's how you say a bad word with your hands and I was like you don't ever do that; we use thumbs up and thumbs down and he said and we can use this one (his pointer) and I said yes and that is it…. I didn't hear about it again so hopefully it's an in one ear and out the other type of issue.....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Milk it does a body good! :-) Jack is no off of formula and onto milk; actually he has been for about a week or two. Did I switch him early...yep...he won't be one until July 22nd...why did I switch him early...well because we were wasting more formula than he was drinking....we would make bottles...he would take a couple sips and then toss it to the side....he NEVER finished a bottle...the only bottle he finished was his first one in the we switched to milk..he had actully been stealing sips from TJ's cups for awhile so we went for it. He loves it....acts fine and the biggest deal to us...SAVES US can I get him potty trained yet?! LOL!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hot Hot Hot Hot...can I say it enough?!

It was sooo hot out this weekend! We did what we do every saturday and sunday during the summer - WATERPARK! That is it! I love it! Wears the boys out and keeps us busy and cool! Friday I had a happy hour for Kacey's 30th! That was fun..sorry it ended so early! Then I got home and took TJ for a bike ride - I am borrowing Kacey's bike and two seater trailor to see how I like it..thinking it will be my new exercise. So far I have done three rides and I am pretty sure I am going to purchase one. give the boys something to eat and they are happy! Usually I bike to wherever...get them something to eat and let them eat while I bike us back home. Talk about a workout! Then Saturday we got up and I did the usual house stuff and got us ready for the waterpark. We were there by 11:15 - joined later by Kacey and her clan and then I took Jack home about 2:45 - put him in his crib and when TJ and I got home at about 4:30 he was still sleeping..TJ was asleep by 6:45 and Jack and I ran to the grocery....then I got QUIET TIME once Jack went to be about 7:30. Sunday was a repeat of Saturday except this time we joined kacey's clan and then we all came home together at about 3:30 ish....Despite repeat applications of sunscreen and I mean like every 45 mins to an hour TJ is of course my little golden child...Jack is still white...he had a shirt and hat on and I got a little burn on the back but other than that momma has started her summer tan! WOO HOO! :-) These pictures are from last weekend (two weeks ago) but it shows waterpark fun....this will be my basic weekend post until the pools close! :-) PICTURES WILL BE ADDED TOMORROW!
Jack - four teeth....standing unassisted for longer and longer periods of time..has taken a total of 4 steps
TJ - crazy as ever 4 year old...enough said!