Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

So it's been awhile since my last post....the long weekend was SUPER! The weather was awesome about as perfect as it can get! Saturday and Sunday we did the usual play outside, a couple cookouts, a birthday party...nothing to over the top exciting. TJ, however, did spend the night at his friend's house on Sunday! I was a sniffle away from a full on cry as the car drove away. We always blow tons and tons of kisses and do about 100 waves even when I am just dropping him off at the babysitter so I was working overtime Sunday and he says to me "mom, mom no more of this (and blows me a kiss) and no move of this (and waves)" I said okay sorry have fun! I thought for sure I would be going to get him in the middle of the night..nope he did FINE! Didn't even ASK for me! I went and picked him and his friend Matt up at about 12:30 on Monday so I got the house cleaned, vacumed, was kinda nice! :-) He is growing up way to fast! LOL! Monday after I got the boys home we just hung out the neighbors; filled the new pool and then had a cookout with us and two sets of neighbors. It was great food, great friends and lots of fun! I did try and explain why we got an extra "stay home day" but I am not to sure he got it but it is important to remember the real reason we were off from work. Pictures above are from Monday. (pictures to be added tomorrow - thursday - computer acting up AGAIN!!)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

AWW the sweet smell of success...

well I guess success is measured in many ways and means many things to many people..for me my sweet smell of success came from watching a movie..yes a movie...I have a list as long as my leg (not very long is it LOL!) of movies that have come out or coming out that I want to see; the problem TIME, I just flat out don't have the time to sit and watch a movie...but over the weekend both boys were in bed early and I did it..I watched Knocked Up! Cute movie with some super funny parts to it! Now I did fall asleep with like 45 mins left in the movie but I did finish it the next night so I say to you all success is a wonderful place to be! LOL! I was trying to make it sounds all important but more or less I saw Knocked Up and liked it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Catch up....


Okay so again I do better with movie clips and pictures than actual posts most of the time but I do try and play catch here goes..

House projects...we have a long ole list and am just working on one at a time...over the weekend we got the basement floor painted and the throw rugs shampooed and the basement put back together...(pictures soon)now the toys will go back into the basement and after we paint the bathroom downstairs we'll start on the middle level...painting and doing something with the floor...
I also got the kitchen floor mopped and both sets of stairs vacumed! WOOHOO! I also bought a slip cover for the living room chair and I got that was a pain..first put it on to make sure it fit than take it off to iron (MiMi do not have a stroke...yes I ironed) :-) then put it back if I owned an ironing board that might not have been such a pain but I literally NEVER iron so I had to do it on the bed! :0
This weekend is supposed to be super nice out so I am sure more home projects will be done...more painting..the entire house needs a fresh coat since it's been three years since paint has been applied...well Jack's room and the kitchen are okay but I want to do another coat in the kitchen...I think...that will be last...blah blah blah
The boys are fine..TJ sounds just like me when he talks...I always say here's the deal when I am explaining whats going on..the other day he says mom, mom, hears the deal okay...and he talks with his hands just like me and he also said to me can you please just let me finish, mom let me finish ok..and as hard as I try not to crack up it is just so funny to hear him..he is growing up fast on me! Jack is Jack...getting lots of teeth and is soooo close to walking on his own...he won't be as fast as TJ who walked at 10 months unless by Thursday he has a break through but I will say I would bet for sure by his 1st bday he'll be wobbling around...
I think that's it for now....

Redskins Fan? Hard to tell

By the way Jack treats his brother's helmet I am not so sure he feels the same way about the skins as his brother and daddy...maybe a steelers fan for popeye and uncle henry? LOL! Love the onsie..our little rednecks! LOL! Thanks MiMi and Gdada! (movie to come soon; computer not working correctly)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bath Time Fun; Disclaimer...contains nudity :-)

The Newest Addition to our family...

Their House
Hanging from the side: waiting to "hatch"; the lighter one is the now empty one

Here he/she is: Wings ClosedHere he/she is: Wings Open

Okay well it worked..we now have a pet butterfly! :-) TJ got the bugville butterfly kit for Easter from his Grammy....we sent away for the catapillers and after TJ manhandled them and let them crawl all over him and drive his John Deere trucks we got two that turned into larve and this morning I almost had a heart attack when I looked into thier house and one was fluttering around! Wasn't expecting movement! There is one more still hanging on the side (as instructed) and we will see what happens..I wanted to wait until they were both butterflies then release them together but TJ had other ideas and when I was putting Jack in the car I hear "mom, the butterfly got out" yep unzipped his little house and flew right on now somewhere in the house we have a butterfly! We'll see if we can find it - hopefully - and release into the "wild"..for now we sit and wait and watch to see the other one come to life - we will be ordering more catapillers in the near future...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Finally - an update

That would be more exciting news if there was much to really update! LOL! Things are pretty much the same ole at home..only now it's nice weather and party time outside..which finally gives me a chance to work on the inside. Repainting and paiting....doing something with the floors all the way around..just not sure what....also working on the outside...trimming bushes...planting flowers...the big project is a patio before Jack's 1st bday..momma learned the hard way that spending tons of money on a party really gets you no where! So poor Jack gets the home party! I figure this year we'll have a BBQ; rent a moonbounce for the older kids and just hang..then we can start pool parties etc when he figures out it's his birthday.

Jack - is standing unassisted for longer and longer periods of time. He can walk with a toy....but not alone yet...he is all over the place crawling etc. I'll have to get a picture of his new outdoor crawling's hands and feet; no knees! He finally has a tooth that we can see; one bottom one...and it's obvious more are on the way!

TJ - let's just say we are trying to make it through the summer with no stitches, glue, or breaks! Enough said! :-0

I am enjoying this year and trying to get all yard work etc done because next year we start football! There goes the weekends! Last night we put sand for the first time in that sandbox part of the swingset The sand is green...go figure TJ picked the first I just filled his sand table thinking he could play in it then he wanted to sit in it (hence the picture) so then I said I have the liner etc lets just fill the sandbox out back...I am hoping to make it "liveable" so we can spend more time outback...hence wanting the patio done. Then we'll need to get like bug zappers since we have half yard; half woods...what is summer with out the sound of bugs frying instantly in the background! LOL!

That's about it for now..rambling are from last night....